Thank You for Helping Us Grow


Suzanne and I just celebrated our 1st year in business together at Capizzano Olive Oils and Vinegars. How does it feel to be one year old again at our age?


     Newness, Freshness, Aliveness, are just some of the words that come to mind. But with aliveness comes uncertainty. At one year old it was usually Mom who supplied the certainty but this time around we know we have to get it from each other AND especially from our customers. The relationship we have developed, with each of you, have shown us we have something of value to offer and your response to our product and store constantly confirms that.

Being one year old provides us the opportunity to find our niche both personally and professionally and with nourishing relationships we are learning to grow in a healthy and vibrant way.

Thank You for Helping Us Grow                S S Photo Store 2