
Stephen Capizzano’s Trip To The UC Davis Olive Center

Stephen has just returned from UC Davis Olive Center at The Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine & Food Science, Davis, California finishing a Sensory Evaluation of Olive Oil Certificate Course.

He is [we are] looking forward to sharing this unique tasting and educational odyssey with you in our upcoming events.

We continue to expand our knowledge to bring you the highest quality Ultra Premium extra virgin olive oil & aged balsamic vinegar and more to your palate and health.

Look for our upcoming events.

Health and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

evoostockimageThe health benefits of olive oil are unrivaled, and research reveals more benefits nearly every day. In fact, we are only just beginning to understand the countless ways olive oil can improve our health, and our lives. Olive oil is the cornerstone of Mediterranean cooking— an essential nutritional mainstay for the world’s longest-living cultures. Many of the health-promoting effects of the Mediterranean diet have been attributed to olive oil consumption.

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